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Diploma in Agricultural Extension Services for Input Dealers (DAESI)

Better Farming by Every Farmer

Agri-Input Dealers in the country are a prime source of farm information to the farming community, besides the supply of inputs and credit. However, majority of these dealers do not have formal agricultural education. In order to build their technical competency in agriculture and to facilitate them to serve the farmers better and to act as para – extension professionals, National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE) has launched a self-financed “One-year Diploma in Agricultural Extension Services for Input Dealers (DAESI) Program” during the year 2003 with a course fee of Rs.20, 000/- to the input dealers. Due to positive impact of the program, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, Government of India has decided to implement this program for Input dealers in all the States of the country.

Earn money and prestige by becoming a consultant to farmers

The program will be implemented by MANAGE through State Agricultural Management and Extension Training Institutes (SAMETIs). The Department of Agriculture and Cooperation & Farmers' Welfare (DAC & FW), GoI, will subsidize the course fee (50%) to the extent of 10,000/- per Input dealer. However, where Agribusiness companies are involved, the company will contribute Rs.10, 000/- and the balance Rs.10, 000/- will be contributed equally by DAC and Input Dealer @ Rs.5000/- each.

The technical information is delivered through Contact Classes by Agricultural Experts & Practitioners at district level on Sundays or Market holidays for 48 days including field visits spread over a year. Details of program is available in the guidelines


In India, there are about 2.82 lakh practicing agri-input dealers, who are the prime source of farm information to the farming community. The first contact point for majority of farmers is the agri-input dealer. While purchasing different inputs required for farming operations, the farmer naturally tries to find out from the input dealer about the usage of inputs, both in terms of quality and quantity. However, most of these input dealers do not have formal agricultural education. If these input dealers can be shaped as para-extension professionals by providing requisite knowledge, they can professionalise extension services and contribute to bring a paradigm shift in Indian Agriculture. It is in this context, the National Institute of Agriculture Extension Management (MANAGE) had designed a one-year diploma course titled ‘Diploma in Agricultural Extension Services for Input Dealers (DAESI)’, which imparts relevant and location-specific agricultural education to equip these input dealers with sufficient knowledge to transform them into para-extension professionals so as to enable them to address the day-to-day problems being faced by the farmers at field level. MANAGE had launched DAESI program in the year 2003 and so far covered the practicing input dealers of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Orissa, Jharkhand, and West Bengal.

Duration : The program is spread over a period of 48 weeks with 40 classroom sessions and 08 field visits.
Module-wise Coverage of Theory and Practical Sessions.

    1.Theory (classroom sessions)
    1. Agro Ecological Situations.
    2. Soil Health Management.
    3. Rainfed Farming.
    4. Seed & Seed Production.
    5. Irrigation Techniques and their Management.
    6. Weed Management.
    7. Farm Implements and Machinery.
    8. Pest and disease Control in Agriculture.
    9. Crop Production Technology of major local crops.
    10. Acts, Rules and Regulations related to Agricultural Inputs.
    11. Schemes related to Agricultural Sector.
    12. Extension Approaches and Methods.
    13. Other Optional Areas based on requirement.
    2. Proposed Practical Sessions / field visits against each module .
    1. Agro-Ecological Situations and it’s acquaint with relevance to Agricultural Production Systems.
    2. Soil Health Management.
    3. Rainfed Farming.
    4. Seeds & Seed Production.
    5. Irrigation Techniques and their Management.
    6. Weeds & weed Management.
    7. Farm Implements and equipment
    8. Integrated Pest & Disease Management (IPDM).
    9. Package of Practices on predominant crops of the district.
    10. Acts, Rules and Regulations related to Agricultural Inputs.
    11. Extension Approaches and Methods